Negative certificate: What is it for?
The negative certificate to create a company in Morocco serves to confirm that the proposed name for the company is available and can be legally registered as a corporate name or business name. It is a key part of the process of setting up a business in Morocco and is often required in various stages of the company registration and registration process.
It is issued by theOMPIC for a period of 3 months.
After this period, the negative certificates withdrawn and not submitted for registration in the commercial register are cancelled.
In Morocco, the negative certificate can be obtained from the Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC).
OMPIC is a government agency responsible for the management of industrial and commercial property registers in Morocco, including the registration of trade names, trademarks and patents.
Negative certificate: who to contact to obtain it?

Hours of operation
Monday Friday
8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
By appointment only

What are the steps to request the negative certificate?
To obtain a negative certificate from OMPIC, you will need to submit an application online or in person, providing the necessary information about the legal name or the proposed legal name for the company. OMPIC will then check whether the proposed name is already registered for another existing company. If the name is available, a negative certificate will be issued, confirming that it can be used for company registration.
It is important to note that the procedure may vary depending on the type of company you wish to create and the specific requirements of OMPIC. It is recommended to consult the OMPIC website or contact us for precise information on the procedure to follow, the documents required and the processing times to obtain a negative certificate.

In the event that my initial request for a negative certificate
is rejected, what should I do?
In the event that your initial request for a negative certificate is rejected, you are entitled to the free filing of a single request following rejection (CNR form) within 15 days from the date of rejection.